Our first ever film was called 'Terrorist time to shine', it was very basic when we were just having fun with my new camcorder,
i never got it on the internet for good reasons. it was made probably 5 years ago based around terrorists attacking the UN.
Our Combat Years is our latest production, visit the main web page for more details
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Battle For the Somme: A Fuzzy Logic
Synopsis: The Somme 1916- Thiepval Woods- A gripping story of a soldiers moral decisions. Whether to kill a young boy
for his country ot to follow his instincts to preserve human life.
Visit Official Page: Battle For the Somme
Times of War
Synopsis: A grippling tale of a teengaer soon to see the error of his ways after abusing his country. he is soon to find out
how his forefathers gave so much for his generation and the country he cares so little about. He will now find out first hand
just how bloody and hectic the Second World War really was. Will he realise his lifetime errors and try to correct his ways.
Visit Official Page: Times of War
Freedom Fighters
Synopsis: After years of deplated oil supplies, the british government turns into a dictatorship, civilians must rise up to
iver through the government as its private army, Two teengers must fight for their countries rights
Visit Offical Page: Freedom Fighters
Our Combat Years
synopysis: A ww2 movie from the Russian Perspective, two soldiers and a squad of russians go on a daring assault to the frontlines
to eliminate as many officers as possible
Visit Official Page: Our Combat Years Movie