
Cloning in premiere 6.0

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Cloning in Adobe Premiere 6.0

1. Start with raw footage of your background scene

2. Film yourself on one side of the shot



3. Place a marker so you are able to tell where the split is...

4. Film yourself on the other side of the background

5. Make sure the camera is still at all times

Video Editing

6. Import the footage into adobe premiere 6.0 in two video tracks

7. Take one of the videos and go Video Effects > Transform > Clip


8. Clip either the left or right hand side of the screen, it depends on your footage what you want to do...

9. Once you have clipped half the screen on one video do the same only on the other side on the other video


10. Now right click, video options > transparceny

11. Apply the luminace filter and change the settings to suit your lighting etc. in your footage


You have now learnt how to clone in Adobe premiere 6.0, i hope this has been a useful tutorial

after practice you can create short movies like the ones in my videos section


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